Hello Everyone, We hope that your summer is pleasant and you are enjoying many beautiful watusi babies. Even with these odd times we are experiencing the WWA wants to proceed with our fall membership meeting, dinner and get together.
We will hold our Board of Directors meeting Wednesday, September 23rd at 4:00 pm at the Comfort Inn Macon, MO. The general membership meeting will follow at 7:00 pm. We want to remind our members that you are welcome to attend the Board meeting, but if you have an issue you want to speak on please notify a Board member or the office prior so that it can be added to the agenda. Also if there are any agenda items you would like addressed please submit them to Robin at the office or Cindi at the above email by September 9. Ag Safe Crop Insurance will be giving a drought insurance presentation and will sponsor the meal for all attendees.
We will have our Fun Auction so please check around for any donation items that you can bring. We hope to see you all at this event. Have a great day and stay safe