Category Archives: Events

Ankole-Watusi events around the world. If you have an event you’d like us to add, please email us at

American Royal Watusi Show 2023

On October 7, 2023 the World Watusi Association held its second annual show at the American Royal facility in Kansas City, Missouri.  Per the show venue “The American Royal began in October of 1899 as the National Hereford Show, the first nationwide show for the exposition and sale of purebred cattle.”  This year was the 124th for this show venue.  It was refreshing to hear a cowboy’s prayer that our animals would behave and to hear Lee Greenwood’s stunning version of our National Anthem.

The first class this show was Sr. Showmanship.  Blake Edwards was awarded 1st place with Red Hill Girlie Sue a 2017 Native cow.  Girlie Sue also took 1st place in the Native  Female born 2018 or before class as well as earning the Grand Champion in Native Females.  Blake and Girlie Sue had a great day.

Blake Edwards with Red Hill Girlie Sue
Blake Edwards with Red Hill Girlie Sue

Second place went to Clayton Mason with Liars Lake Reynaldo a 2022 calf.  This was the first time in Showmanship for both of them.

Clayton Mason and Liars Lake Reynaldo
Clayton Mason and Liars Lake Reynaldo


October 7, 2023

Animal Name                        Birthdate                                Exhibitor

Showmanship at Halter, Sr.

1st      Red Hill Girlie Sue               6/15/2017                     Blake Edwards

2nd    Liars Lake Reynaldo           5/13/2022                     Cynthia Darling

Native Females Born 2023

1st     Liars Lake Shooting Star    4/26/2023                     Cynthia Darling

Native Females, born 2022

1st        BSCC Miss Redbud            5/29/2022                              Joseph Lolli

Native Females born 2020 or 2019

1st     Liars Lake PITA                    6/2/2019                            Cynthia Darling

Native Females born 2018 or before

1st       Red Hill Girlie Sue               6/15/2017                        Blake Edwards

2nd     Liars Lake Starmist              5/16/2018                      Cynthia Darling

Grand Champion Native Female              Red Hill Girlie Sue

Reserve Champion Native Female        Liars Lake PITA


Foundation Pure Females born 2023

1st       Red Hill Megavolt                 4/27/2023                     Blake Edwards

2nd       BSCC Lady Teardrop          7/15/2023                      Brian Sims

3rd       RRR Rosa Roja                       1/14/2023                       Barry Retchloff

4th        Liars Lake Hamu                  6/28/2023                       Cynthia Darling

Foundation Pure Females born 2022

1st       BSCC Moon Shadow          5/16/2022                       Brian Sims

2nd       MR Valentina                        1/28/2022                        Brian Sims

3rd       Red Hill Tempest Storm      4/26/2022                     Blake Edwards

4th        BSCC Crimson Queen        6/09/2022                     Joseph Lolli

5th        Liars Lake Hyacinth             5/05/2022                     Cynthia Darling

Foundation Pure Females born 2021

1st       Red Hill Dolly Blaze             5/22/2021                      Blake Edwards

2nd     Liars Lake Storm Front        6/22/2021                     Cynthia Darling

Foundation Pure Females born 2020 or 2019

1st       Red Hill Too-Far-Rae          6/08/2019                     Blake Edwards

2nd       RGR Lucky Lady                  5/23/2020                       Brian Sims

3rd       Liars Lake Azelea                6/1/2019                           Cynthia Darling

4th        RRR Brittney                         5/23/2020                        Barry Retchloff

Foundation Pure Females born in 2018 or before

1st       Red Hill Kilavolt                    6/20/2018                     Blake Edwards

2nd       BSCC Red Red Wine          4/23/2017                      Brian Sims

3rd       Liars Lake Hottie                  6//14/2015                   Cynthia Darling

4th        RRR Carolina’s Red Roan 6/15/2015                     Barry Retchloff

5th        Coon Creek Kianeeshi        6/13/2017                     Brian Sims


Grand Champion Foundation Pure Female                Red Hill Kilavolt

Reserve Champion Foundation Pure Female          Red Hill Dolly Blaze


Cow/Calf Cows born I  2019 or after

1st       Red Hill Too-Far-Rae          6/08/2019                    Blake Edwards

2nd       RGR Lucky Lady                  5/23/2020                     Brian Sims

3rd       Liars Lake Azelea                6/1/2019                         Cynthia Darling

4th        RRR Brittney                         5/05/2020                      Barry Retchloff

Cow/Calf Cows born I  2018 or before3

1st       Red Hill Kilavolt                    6/20/2019                      Blake Edwards

2nd       BSCC Red Red Wine          4/23/2017                      Brian Sims

3rd       RRR Carolina’s Red Roan 6/15/2015                      Barry Retchloff

4th        Coon Creek Shakira           3/05/2010                      Joseph Lolli

5th        Liars Lake Hottie                  6//14/2015                   Cynthia Darling


Bulls Born 2023

1st       BSCC Mavericjk                   4/23/2023                        Brian Sims

2nd       Red Hill Rockin  Uno           1/19/2023                      Blake Edwards

3rd       BSCC Bordeaux                   4/18/2023                        Brian Sims

4th        Liars Lake Alfalfa                  5/08/2023                     Cynthia Darling

Bulls Born 2022

1st       BSCC Tafari Storm               4/26/2022                       Brian Sims

2nd       Red Hill Hot Stepper            5/10/2022                     Blake Edwards

3rd       Liars Lake Rumble               5/30/2022                       Cynthia Darling

Bulls Born 2201

1st       Liars Lake Kakoma              8/07/2021                      Cynthia Darling

2nd       Diamond Black Lightning    4/12/2021                    Joseph Lolli


Grand Champion Bull              Red Hill Kilavolt


Steers Born 2020 or after

1st       BSCC Ruger                         6/19/2022                         Brian Sims

2nd       Liars Lake Reynaldo           5/13/2022                      Cynthia Darling


American Royal Watusi Show 2022


For the first time the World Watusi Association has participated in the American Royal Livestock Show in Kansas City, Missouri.  Our event was on October 9, 2022.  Over 50 head were entered, the following were awarded Grand and Reserve Champion status this year.

SHOWMANSHIP:  Blake Edwards, Red Hill Watusi, Fairview, Oklahoma with Red Hill Girlie Sue, 2017 Native Pure Cow

Red Hill Girlie Sue - Grand Champion Showmanship cow and Grand Champion Native Pure cow - also with Blake Edwards and Judge
Red Hill Girlie Sue – Grand Champion Showmanship cow and Grand Champion Native Pure cow – also with Blake Edwards and Judge

BSCC PHARAOHS LEGACY, Grand Champion Foundation Pure Bull


FOUNDATION PURE BULLS: Grand Champion, BSCC Pharaoh’s Legacy, 2020 Foundation Pure Bull;  Reserve Champion,  BSCC Tafari Storm , 2022 Foundation Pure Bull both shown by BS Cattle Company, Seminole, Oklahoma

BSCC Tafari Storm, Reserve Champion Foundation Pure Bull
BSCC Tafari Storm, Reserve Champion Foundation Pure Bull

 FOUNDATION PURE COWS:  Grand Champion, Red Hill Barbie Blaze, 2017 Foundation Pure Cow, shown by Red Hill Watusi, Fairview, Oklahoma;  Reserve Champion, RGR Lucky Lady, 2020 Foundation Pure Cow, shown by BS Cattle Company, Seminole, Oklahoma

Red Hill Barbie Blaze, Grand Champion Foundation Pure cow and Champion Cow Calf
Red Hill Barbie Blaze, Grand Champion Foundation Pure cow and Champion Cow Calf


RGR Lucky Lady, Reserve Champion Foundation Pure Cow

NATIVE PURE FEMALES:  Grand Champion, Red Hill Girlie Sue 2017 Native Pure Female, shown by Red Hill Watusi, Fairview, Oklahoma; Reserve Champion,  Liars Lake PITA, 2019 Native Pure Female shown by Liars Lake Sparta, Missouri.

Liars Lake PITA, Reserve Champion Native Pure Heifer
Liars Lake PITA, Reserve Champion Native Pure Heifer

STEERS:  Grand Champion, Red Hill Pip Squeak, 2021 steer, shown by Red Hill Watusi, Fairview, Oklahoma;  Reserve Champion, Liars Lake Reynaldo, 2022 steer, shown by Liars Lake Sparta, Missouri.

COW CALF PAIRS:  born 2017 and before : 1st Place;  Red Hill Barbie Blaze, 2017 Foundation Pure Cow, shown by Red Hill Watusi, Fairview, Oklahoma;  2nd Place DH Meadow, 2016 Native Pure cow shown by BS Cattle Company, Seminole, Oklahoma;  Born 2018 or after1st Place, BSCC Sparkle T, 2019 Foundation Pure cow;   2nd place,Liars Lake Starmist, 2018 Native Pure cow, shown by Liars Lake Sparta, Missouri.


September Membership and Board Meeting

On September 25 the World Watusi Association Board of Directors held their annual reorganization meeting in conjunction with the Lolli Bros. Exotic Animal Sale in Macon, Missouri.  We had a packed list of agenda items to address.  The results of the election for the Board were announced with the winners being Pat Burnett, Matt Moffat and Brian Sims.   We all want to extend our congratulations to each member.  The annual election for the Officer’s for the 2019 through 2020 year resulted in Blake Edwards, President:  Garret Judd, Vice-President:  Cindi Darling, Secretary and Barry Retchloff, Treasurer.  All the contact information for the Board and Officers can be found on this website.

We wish to thank Pat Burnett for his previous years of serving as our President and Sheri Gurr for her tireless service as our Treasurer and director.   As you all know this is a volunteer organization of non-compensated individuals and we are very lucky to have all of these people willing to serve and donate their time.

We will be covering all of the items addressed at our various meetings and will be addressing possible By Law changes that all of us must agree upon with our next vote.

One of the major items that was passed at this meeting is a temporary change in the Lifetime Membership fees.  This fee is presently a one time charge of $500.00.  The Board was asked to address this item and  has implemented a new one time  fee of $250.00 to be in effect from September 25, 2019 through February 1, 2020.  When you receive your reminder of 2020 dues we will remind all members of this option.  We sincerely hope that many of our members will take advantage of this opportunity.





Election for Board Members

We are accepting nominations for candidates to the Board of Directors of the World Watusi Association for the fall 2019 election.  There are 3 positions available.  If you are interested or know of someone who would be please contact any member of the Nominating committee.  Chairman; Garett Judd,, 270.670.7787:  Vernon Base,, 620-747-0798: Cindi Darling,, 417-634-4115.  All nominations should be submitted by June 15, 2019.  The 3 year positions up for election are those currently held by Pat Burnett, Sheri Gurr and Matt Moffatt.

Spring Fling Update – reprint for information

The World Watusi Association just finished our ‘Spring Fling ‘ meeting and auction at the Lolli Bros Exotic Sale and our April  board meeting.   39 members attended the World Watusi Association meeting representing 9 different states.

We addressed several pending issues as well as revisited some previous ones.  The new up to date revised Rules and Fee Schedule are posted on this website.  Some of the items are the controversial Hardship program that has been wildly successful.  Although there are differences of opinion on the matter the Board of Director’s has extended the program indefinitely.  We have recovered a number of quality animals into the breed as percentage animals as well as new enthusiasts and members from this program.  The board examines any evidence and photographs of each individual animal submitted and determines if it qualifies as a percentage watusi or not.

Part of the WWA Board meeting. Duane Gilbert, Vernon Base, Garett Judd and Blake Edwards
WWA Board meeting. Duane Gilbert, Vernon Base, Garett Judd and Blake Edwards
WWA Board of Directpr's meeting.
WWA Board of Directpr’s meeting. Blake Edwards, matt Moffatt, Sheri Gurr and Pat Burnett.
A table of Judd’s from Edmonton, Kentucky. Brett, Kristie, Calvin, Brianna and Garett

As an incentive for membership we have continued and extended the program to  award a free one year membership to any person or entity that has never been a member of the WWA that purchases a registered watusi  at the Lolli Bros Exotic Animal Sale, Macon, Missouri;  Triple W Exotic Sale, Cookeville, Tennessee; or at the  Sycamore Springs Ranch Sale, Locust Grove,  Oklahoma .    Further we are offering a program to award $200.00 to the seller of the highest selling registered watusi steer at each of these sales.

Randy Gurr and Garett Judd handling the ‘Fun Auction’ and a very valuable rum cake

As the registry only offers registration to Foundation Pure and Native Pure bulls and no hardship on any bull.  We are encouraging steering of as many males as possible.  Registration is available for percentage steers or Foundation Pure steers at $10.00 from birth to 24 months of age and $20.00 over 24 months.   Steers sell very well and can be shown in sanctioned shows.  We do allow hardshipping of steers.

Garett Judd and Blake Edwards present the proper new WWA standard for measuring horns.
Garett Judd and Blake Edwards present the proper new WWA standard for measuring horns.

The Board has approved a new program of keeping records of horn measurement.  This will be fleshed out as time goes on, but the objective is to catalog horn length and breadth for future generations.  Through this method we hope to establish a system by which an animal’s total scores measure up against the rest of the breed.  The form is available under ‘Forms and Documents’ on this website to be downloaded and viewed.  There will be two systems of records listed on the site, those submitted by the owner  and the official score as submitted through Official Measuring Committee members.

Fun Auction
Just a few items offered at the ‘Fun Auction’, the cute picture now adorns the waiting room of Dr. Cree Sisneros in Mt. Pleasant, Texas; the beautiful WWA stainless steel logo is on display at Mariposa Ranch in Aubrey, Texas. The rum cake was a real winner.


Mother Earth News Expo

 broker show 3
We have attached some pics of our exhibit at the 2018 Mother Earth News Expo in Asheville, NC. We had a steady stream of people for two days asking questions, taking pictures and just admiring the majestic Watusi cattle. Our goal was to promote the breed and I believe that was accomplished. Our exhibit was recognized as best booth in the livestock exhibits. We have been invited back again next year and the entire family is looking forward to the trip. We have also been invited to the South Carolina State Fair in 2018 but have not made a decision on that event at this time. Thanks to everyone in the association that made this expo very special.
Richard L. Broker
River Oaks Cattle Co.,
Robbins, NC  910-464-5244
broker show2

Show schedule

it is never too early to start planning for the fall show season.   Plan on which animals you plan on showing and mark the dates on your calendar.  Show books may not yet be online, but you can contact the WWA showperson for information.

Show is on September 3, 2018.. Entry deadline is August 1, 2018

Contact:  Duane Gilbert, 435-749-9334

Show is on Friday September 15, 2018.  Entry deadline August 15, 2018

Contact:  Vernon Base, 620-747-0798

Show is on September 28, 2018.  Entry deadline is September 1, 2018

Contact:  Brian or Cindy Sims, (405) 200-6339 or (405) 664-4278


Don’t forget that this is the week for the Macon, Missouri exotic animal sale and the World Watusi Association Spring Fling.

The Spring Fling is on Wednesday evening, April 11, 2018 at 7:00 pm (we erroneously said 6:00 in previous posts) in the conference room of the Comfort Inn,  1817 North Missouri St.,  Macon, Missouri.  We will have a catered meal and our “Fun Auction” for fund raising.  Bring your donations and your checkbook.

The sale of cattle will be on Thursday April 12, there are a number of  very nice animals consigned.  Come early, stay late, bring your checkbook.  Representatives of the World Watusi Association will be on hand if you have any registration questions.

We will have a meeting of the Board of Director’s at 5:00 pm on Wednesday April 11 also at the Comfort Inn prior to the Spring Fling.  All members are, of course, welcome to attend.


Spring Fling Reminder

Just a quick reminder to all of our members and other Watusi enthusiasts.  The WWA will have its annual Spring Fling get-together on Wednesday evening, April 11, 2018 at 6:00 pm in the conference room of the Comfort Inn,  1817 North Missouri St.,  Macon, Missouri.  This is a great opportunity to share your stories, photos, brochures, animals for sale and such with others.  We will have a meal catered by Noland’s in Macon and will offer our Fun Auction fund raiser.

We will accept all donated items for our auction and usually receive many fun items such as skulls, artwork, food items, hot sauce, candy, local items from your home state, your imagination is your limit.  We often have African items and Watusi related materials.

Any questions of items that are of interest can be discussed.  Any suggestions to help our association run more favorably are welcome.

Watusi animals will be at auction on Thursday, April 12 so bring your checkbooks.  This year the WWA is offering a free membership to any first time buyer purchasing a registered animal at this sale.