On October 7, 2023 the World Watusi Association held its second annual show at the American Royal facility in Kansas City, Missouri. Per the show venue “The American Royal began in October of 1899 as the National Hereford Show, the first nationwide show for the exposition and sale of purebred cattle.” This year was the 124th for this show venue. It was refreshing to hear a cowboy’s prayer that our animals would behave and to hear Lee Greenwood’s stunning version of our National Anthem.
The first class this show was Sr. Showmanship. Blake Edwards was awarded 1st place with Red Hill Girlie Sue a 2017 Native cow. Girlie Sue also took 1st place in the Native Female born 2018 or before class as well as earning the Grand Champion in Native Females. Blake and Girlie Sue had a great day.

Second place went to Clayton Mason with Liars Lake Reynaldo a 2022 calf. This was the first time in Showmanship for both of them.

October 7, 2023
Animal Name Birthdate Exhibitor
Showmanship at Halter, Sr.
1st Red Hill Girlie Sue 6/15/2017 Blake Edwards
2nd Liars Lake Reynaldo 5/13/2022 Cynthia Darling
Native Females Born 2023
1st Liars Lake Shooting Star 4/26/2023 Cynthia Darling
Native Females, born 2022
1st BSCC Miss Redbud 5/29/2022 Joseph Lolli
Native Females born 2020 or 2019
1st Liars Lake PITA 6/2/2019 Cynthia Darling
Native Females born 2018 or before
1st Red Hill Girlie Sue 6/15/2017 Blake Edwards
2nd Liars Lake Starmist 5/16/2018 Cynthia Darling
Grand Champion Native Female Red Hill Girlie Sue
Reserve Champion Native Female Liars Lake PITA
Foundation Pure Females born 2023
1st Red Hill Megavolt 4/27/2023 Blake Edwards
2nd BSCC Lady Teardrop 7/15/2023 Brian Sims
3rd RRR Rosa Roja 1/14/2023 Barry Retchloff
4th Liars Lake Hamu 6/28/2023 Cynthia Darling
Foundation Pure Females born 2022
1st BSCC Moon Shadow 5/16/2022 Brian Sims
2nd MR Valentina 1/28/2022 Brian Sims
3rd Red Hill Tempest Storm 4/26/2022 Blake Edwards
4th BSCC Crimson Queen 6/09/2022 Joseph Lolli
5th Liars Lake Hyacinth 5/05/2022 Cynthia Darling
Foundation Pure Females born 2021
1st Red Hill Dolly Blaze 5/22/2021 Blake Edwards
2nd Liars Lake Storm Front 6/22/2021 Cynthia Darling
Foundation Pure Females born 2020 or 2019
1st Red Hill Too-Far-Rae 6/08/2019 Blake Edwards
2nd RGR Lucky Lady 5/23/2020 Brian Sims
3rd Liars Lake Azelea 6/1/2019 Cynthia Darling
4th RRR Brittney 5/23/2020 Barry Retchloff
Foundation Pure Females born in 2018 or before
1st Red Hill Kilavolt 6/20/2018 Blake Edwards
2nd BSCC Red Red Wine 4/23/2017 Brian Sims
3rd Liars Lake Hottie 6//14/2015 Cynthia Darling
4th RRR Carolina’s Red Roan 6/15/2015 Barry Retchloff
5th Coon Creek Kianeeshi 6/13/2017 Brian Sims
Grand Champion Foundation Pure Female Red Hill Kilavolt
Reserve Champion Foundation Pure Female Red Hill Dolly Blaze
Cow/Calf Cows born I 2019 or after
1st Red Hill Too-Far-Rae 6/08/2019 Blake Edwards
2nd RGR Lucky Lady 5/23/2020 Brian Sims
3rd Liars Lake Azelea 6/1/2019 Cynthia Darling
4th RRR Brittney 5/05/2020 Barry Retchloff
Cow/Calf Cows born I 2018 or before3
1st Red Hill Kilavolt 6/20/2019 Blake Edwards
2nd BSCC Red Red Wine 4/23/2017 Brian Sims
3rd RRR Carolina’s Red Roan 6/15/2015 Barry Retchloff
4th Coon Creek Shakira 3/05/2010 Joseph Lolli
5th Liars Lake Hottie 6//14/2015 Cynthia Darling
Bulls Born 2023
1st BSCC Mavericjk 4/23/2023 Brian Sims
2nd Red Hill Rockin Uno 1/19/2023 Blake Edwards
3rd BSCC Bordeaux 4/18/2023 Brian Sims
4th Liars Lake Alfalfa 5/08/2023 Cynthia Darling
Bulls Born 2022
1st BSCC Tafari Storm 4/26/2022 Brian Sims
2nd Red Hill Hot Stepper 5/10/2022 Blake Edwards
3rd Liars Lake Rumble 5/30/2022 Cynthia Darling
Bulls Born 2201
1st Liars Lake Kakoma 8/07/2021 Cynthia Darling
2nd Diamond Black Lightning 4/12/2021 Joseph Lolli
Grand Champion Bull Red Hill Kilavolt
Steers Born 2020 or after
1st BSCC Ruger 6/19/2022 Brian Sims
2nd Liars Lake Reynaldo 5/13/2022 Cynthia Darling