Tag Archives: for sale


Hi everyone.  As we all look excitedly towards the change of seasons we should mark our calendars with our coming watusi events.

Watusi are sold at a number of different venues, including exotic animal sales all over the country.  The largest of these that usually carries the largest number of animals is the Lolli Bros Exotic Sale held in Macon, Missouri.  The Watusi will sell on Thursday, April 11, 2013.  Plan to attend early.  For more information go to http://lollibros.com/ExoticSales/tabid/55/Default.aspx.

Keep in mind that summer and fall will bring shows, such as the Kansas State Fair and Colorado State Fair.  It is never too early to start deciding who you want to show off.

Also remember that we elect 3 members to our Board of Directors each year.  If you are interested or know of someone else who might be interested in running, feel free to contact the office, our Secretary (Pam Jackson) or any board member for further information.