February 25, 2015
Dear WWA Members:
The WWA Board would like to ask you to think Spring and remember our upcoming Spring Fling Wednesday April 8th at 7 pm, Comfort Inn Meeting Room at Macon, MO. We will have a wonderful catered meal together, enjoy some good company, have unique watusi/exotic/African items for our fun auction (donations gladly accepted) and have our board members and registrar available for forms/questions. Wednesday and Thursday of this April’s Lolli Brothers Auction (watusi sell on Thursday and we will be there as well) would be a great time for asking questions and getting your paperwork in order.
Also, the WWA is going to have a fund raiser to sell t-shirts. The board will be selling ads/logos for back of shirt, auction sleeve spot, and take bids on the main spot for next year. These bids and selling of ads will take place at the April meeting discussed above.
If you have an e-mail address, please e-mail to me at rpjackson@wk.net or send to WWA.
Thanks for your quick response to this request. Hope to see you in the Spring!!
Pamela Jackson
Secretary WWA