Elections for WWA Board of Directors

It is that time of year again when we decide on our Board of Directors for the World Watusi Association.   Each director serves a term of three years and then the position is available again for nomination and election.

This year the positions of Blake Edwards, Cindi Darling and Cory Cruellar are up.  Cory has had some life changes and regrets that he will not be able to serve another term at this time so his term will expire in September of this year.  We have all been fortunate to have Cory with his knowledge and good sense to share with the Association and wish him the best.  Blake and Cindi have agreed to run again.   The nominating committee for this year is comprised of Garett Judd,  270-670-7787, garettjudd@yahoo.com; Pat Burnett, 903-288-3334, tpd106@hotmail.com; and Matt Moffat, 405-205-0435, MattMoffat@ymail.com.  Anyone that might be interested in running this year please contact one of these committee members.  Most of our Board meetings are conducted by teleconference and two in person meeting in Macon, Missouri in conjunction with the Lolli Bros. exotic sale.  We have attached our Questionnaire in this post for your use.   Candidate quest  

Nominations must be postmarked or received by email on or before July 1, 2020.  If you have any questions please feel free to contact any member of the committee or the Board.

Watusi Sale at Lolli Bros

Happy spring everyone.  We all hope that everyone is happy and safe and welcoming those beautiful babies.  Our current craziness is stressing everyone so perhaps spring is natures way of showing us the way up and out.

As we obviously already know our spring sales were postponed and to that end the Lolli Bros, rescheduled the majority of their sale to May 13 through the 15th.   Watusi will sell on Thursday May 14.

Due to the craziness that has enveloped us all, the WWA Board of Directors has decided not to host our annual spring fling and get-together.  The Board of Directors will hold s meeting at the Comfort Inn at 5:00 pm in the hotel meeting room.  Although our meetings are open to all members we ask that no one other than board members attend so that we can address proper social distancing.  After the meeting the members will be available to anyone that wishes to visit or address issues.  We still request that all social distancing protocols be observed.


Foundation Pure Ankole Watusi 1 year old heifer

Foundation Pure Ankole Watusi heifer is available. Beautiful One Year old heifer that has the total pedigree

to become huge horned.

She is out of a daughter of the giant horned bull “Diego” JB Jacques from Canada. Sire is Star B Vesuvius who has giant horned genetics going back to Man Dingo.

Located in Pierce City, Missouri

La Llorona Cattle Company on Facebook

Asking $3500


Foundation Pure Ankole Watusi 2 year old heifer

Foundation Pure Ankole Watusi heifer is available. Beautiful two Year old heifer that is
already putting on excellent horn growth and has the stacked horn genetics to become huge.
She is out of a daughter of the giant horned bull “Diego” JB Jacques from Canada. Sire is out of BWS Popeye genetics. Located in Pierce City, Missouri
La Llorona Cattle Company on Facebook
asking $3500
903-305-1041thumbnail_IMG_1191thumbnail_IMG_1188 thumbnail_IMG_1250thumbnail_IMG_1254thumbnail_IMG_1260IMG_1265

Foundation Pure Ankole Watusi Herd Sire

SCS KING TITUS Registration WWA FP 4713
Foundation Pure Registered Ankole Watusi Herd Sire Bull.
6 years old. Currently located in Pierce City, MO. Current on vaccines, deworming, Asking $4900 OBO.

Herd reduction sale. This beautiful bull has been our main herd sire for the last few years. His genetics are excellent and he has great conformation and demeanor. He is easy to work with and has consistently given us very nice healthy beautiful calves with lots of color.
La Llorona Cattle Company on Facebook

(903) 305-1041



Watusi for Sale – Virginia

We are slimming down our herd. Please see attached PDF for info on available animals.
All cattle are registered or can be registered. All of age cows are bred to a registered black bull or a registered white bull. I can provide pictures of dams and sires as well.
2 Bulls 2018 Born: $3000.00 each OBO, Foundation Pure
3 Adult Cows (See pdf for ages): $4000.00 each OBO, Foundation Pure
1 Yearling heifer: $2000.00 OBO, Foundation Pure
Please let me know if you are interested or would like more info. Thank you.
Sarah Friedel
General Curator
Virginia Safari Park
229 Safari Lane
Natural Bridge, VA 24578
(540) 291-3205 ext. 105
(240) 566-6119
click above link for PDF

September Membership and Board Meeting

On September 25 the World Watusi Association Board of Directors held their annual reorganization meeting in conjunction with the Lolli Bros. Exotic Animal Sale in Macon, Missouri.  We had a packed list of agenda items to address.  The results of the election for the Board were announced with the winners being Pat Burnett, Matt Moffat and Brian Sims.   We all want to extend our congratulations to each member.  The annual election for the Officer’s for the 2019 through 2020 year resulted in Blake Edwards, President:  Garret Judd, Vice-President:  Cindi Darling, Secretary and Barry Retchloff, Treasurer.  All the contact information for the Board and Officers can be found on this website.

We wish to thank Pat Burnett for his previous years of serving as our President and Sheri Gurr for her tireless service as our Treasurer and director.   As you all know this is a volunteer organization of non-compensated individuals and we are very lucky to have all of these people willing to serve and donate their time.

We will be covering all of the items addressed at our various meetings and will be addressing possible By Law changes that all of us must agree upon with our next vote.

One of the major items that was passed at this meeting is a temporary change in the Lifetime Membership fees.  This fee is presently a one time charge of $500.00.  The Board was asked to address this item and  has implemented a new one time  fee of $250.00 to be in effect from September 25, 2019 through February 1, 2020.  When you receive your reminder of 2020 dues we will remind all members of this option.  We sincerely hope that many of our members will take advantage of this opportunity.





2019 Election for Board of Directors

The ballots have been mailed to all members in good standing of the World Watusi Association.  There are three positions available and six candidates.  All ballots must be postmarked back to the CPA on or before August 10, 2019.  Anyone with questions is encouraged to contact any board member or candidate.

2019 Candidates

Sheri Gurr, Roosevelt, Utah 435-722-7699  RockingGwatusi@gmail.com

Matt Moffat, Piedmont, OK  405-205-0435  MattMoffat@ymail.com

Cree Sisneros, Pierce City, MO  903-305-1041  DRSISNEROS@LIVE.COM

Barry Retchloff, Fordland, MO   563-663-0840 Barry@Retchloff.com

R. P.  ‘Pat’ Burnett, Wills Point, Texas 903-288-3334 tpd106@hotmail.com

Brian Sims, Seminole, Ok  405-200-6339                bsims56@icloud.com 

News Release Texas Animal Health

Texas Animal Health Commission
“Serving Texas Animal Agriculture Since 1893”
Andy Schwartz, DVM● Executive Director
P.O. Box l2966 ● Austin, Texas 78711 ● (800) 550-8242 www.tahc.texas.gov
For more information contact the Public Information Dept. at 512-719-0750 or at public_info@tahc.texas.gov

April 26, 2019

USDA Advancing Animal Disease Traceability:
The Transition to Electronic Identification in Cattle and Bison

AUSTIN – The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is currently working with federal, state and industry partners to strengthen its traceability system to protect the long-team health, marketability and economic viability of the U.S. livestock industry. While there are several steps USDA needs to take in order to do this, the most essential one is to move from metal identification tags to electronic identification tags in beef and dairy cattle, as well as in bison.
“The transition from metal identification tags to radio frequency identification (RFID) tags will not happen overnight,” assured Dr. Andy Schwartz, Texas Animal Health Commission (TAHC) Executive Director and State Veterinarian. “The transition is projected to take four years and we want to use this time to educate and encourage Texas cattle, dairy and bison producers to start taking steps toward electronic identification.”
Starting January 1, 2023, only individual official RFID tags will be accepted as official identification for cattle and bison moving interstate, including:

Beef Cattle & Bison
·   Sexually intact and 18 months or older
·   Used for rodeo or recreations events (regardless of age)
·   Used for shows or exhibitions
Dairy Cattle
·    All female dairy cattle
·    All male dairy cattle born after March 11, 2013

Implementation Timeline:
USDA understands producers need time to transition to RFID and has worked with the National Assembly of State Animal Health Officials to establish manageable milestones to achieve this goal.
December 31, 2019
USDA will discontinue providing free metal tags. However, approved vendors will still be permitted to produce official metal tags for one additional year. Approved vendor tags will be available for purchase on a state-by-state basis as authorized by each state animal health official through December 31, 2020.
January 1, 2021
USDA will no longer approve vendor production of metal ear tags with the official USDA shield. Accredited veterinarians and/or producers can no longer apply metal ear tags for official identification and must start using only official RFID tags.
January 1, 2023
RFID ear tags will be required for beef and dairy cattle and bison moving interstate that meet the RFID tagging requirements. Animals with metal ear tags will have to be retagged with RFID ear tags in order to move interstate. Feeder cattle and animals moving directly to slaughter are not subject to RFID requirements.

The World Watusi Association is a non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation and advancement of African Ankole- Watusi cattle.