Tag Archives: registrations

Just some business notes….

Good morning. We all had a great time at Macon and got quite a bit of work done. It was great to see so many watusi lovers. The Board of Directors voted to retain the percentage hardship program and we are continuing to receive applications on some very nice animals. We discussed at length the differing opinions on this program prior to making our decision. If you were hoping for a different result, please don’t feel we ignored your concerns. Any questions, suggestions or such for this or ANY of our programs and procedures are welcome and encouraged from everyone at any time.

More boring information from the Association….LOL. Many more registration applications keep coming in which is very exciting. We have new members, it is spring and we are getting new calves on our farms.  Some of us are trying to catch up on long neglected paperwork (oops, guilty!).  We can use snail mail to send in our applications, money and registration photographs but many of us have discovered the wonderful convenience of using email or texting to submit our photos. This is so wonderful and helpful from the old methods, BUT…
When sending in these photos please remember to include your name and the name of the animal that is in the photograph. Robin never wants to sound picky or pushy, but despite all of her wonderful qualities being psychic is not one of them. I personally, consistently forget to tell the sex of my calves (and horses and donkeys…). I have yet to find anyone that can guess without some input as much as I may try.

Registration changes

The rules and regulations of the World Watusi Association have provided from the beginning that all animals registered must be permanently identified either by freeze brand, hot brand or ear tattoo.  As many display their animals the brands have not been used in many areas.  The Board of Directors has determined that the ear tatoo is too difficult to read in adult animals.  For these reasons it has been decided to remove the rule for permanent identification at this time.  Photos  delineating the markings on the hide and shape of horns are alternatives to these methods as well as a documented ear tag system.  It is the breeder’s responsibility to keep proper records of breedings, births and sales.  Some of our members have started DNA analysis of their livestock, which would solve any potential future disputes.  It is not a requirement at this time, but it is encouraged as a practice.